Membership Renewal Payments
2023 Rechartering Payments
Welcome to the 2023 Recharting Payment Page. This page explains the different fee structures for several variations of membership. Please read you options to understand your membership status and pay the correct amount using the Troop 128's Online Shopping Cart.
Step 1: Read the membership fee options below. This is important. Some Venturers are in Scouts BSA, and some are not, so your charges are different.
Step 2: Go to the Shopping Cart to pay using a credit card or PayPal.
Step 3: Send the Advisor an email telling that you paid and how much. Use
Step 1: Understand your Fees
Venturers - All members ages 14 to 20
Youth Members (Ages 14 to 20)
The fee varies depending on whether you are in just the Crew or also in a Troop. Also, if you paid your Troop 128 dues ($200) already, we do not want to bill you twice, so there is just a $10 additional fee. So here are your options:
$87 - You are a Venturer in Crew 128 who is not in a troop.
$10 - You are a Venturer in Crew 128 who has already paid dues to any troop (including Troop 128) in the National Capital Area Council.
$210 - You are a member of Crew 128 and Troop 128 (bt or gt), and you have not yet paid your troop fee.
Registered Adult Volunteers
Advisor, Associate Advisors, Committee Members & Scouters
The adult fee for all 128 units--Crew 128, GT 128, and BT 128--is a flat $50. One payment covers all memberships. Don't pay twice!
Step 2: Go to the Shopping Cart and Pay
The shopping cart has the different fees shown. Select the appropriate fees and navigate just like any other online shopping cart.
Step 3: Inform the Advisor that You Have Paid
Send an email to