March 2019
A Lock-in and 31 miles of Service
Crew 128 Venturers had a lot of fun in March 2019. Several attended a lock-in sponsored by Crew 893 and the NCAC'S Council Venturing Officers Association. The lock-in featured an escape room, games, a scavenger hunt and more.
Four members of the crew also supported the Chain Bridge District's Alonzo Stagg 50/20 hike by serving as the morning bike patrol on the C&O Canal. The crew's work was invaluable. They broke into pairs, with one pair riding east of the Chain Bridge, and the other riding west of the Chain Bridge. The eastern pair help set up a support station near Fletchers Cove, and later redirected lost hikers from the Capital Crescent Trail back to the C&O. The western pair treated blisters, and located "missing" hikers who failed to check-in properly at the Great Falls support station. They rode about 31 miles that day, up and down the gravel trail, passing out snacks and water to anybody who asked. Afterwards, the four enjoyed two large pizzas in McLean.
Way to go Crew 128!