Bike Camping in MD
Crew 128 had a great time on an overnight bike trip in Southern Maryland!
Our adventure began in the parking lot at the trailhead for the Indian Head Rail Trail in White Plains, MD. Instead of using the trail the first day, we connected a series of bike friendly roads for a 21 mile trip to Smallwood State Park on the banks of the Mattawoman estuary. The riding was fun, and sometimes a bit hard. It helped that we stopped at Dairy Queen for lunch in La Plata! Here and there we had to do some bike adjustments, but in the end, we made it to the campsite just as the clouds were threatening to unload.
After setting up camp, we do what every group of hardcore outdoorsmen do: we went shopping! Yes, down to the camp store for some cool drinks, unhealthy snacks, and compfy chairs under a shade tree.
At night, after some showers and a light dinner, we played cards or took a walk at dusk down to the boat yard. We also had another Scout earn the Venturing Award!
The next day, we cleaned our camp, packed our bikes, and headed out by 10:00 AM. Along the way, we stopped by General Smallwood's house; he was a general in the American Revolution.
Our route home retraced some our route back north, but then we picked up the Indian Head trail for a smooth cruise back to the cars.