Fall 2020
Nobody is conducting business as usual during the Covid-19 pandemic. But outdoor activities are still possible even while strictly observing state safety guidelines. Despite the obvious challenges, Crew 128 has remained an active unit. Our youth leadership has adapted well to using Zoom for meetings, and we have still been able to do several fun activities like backpacking, cycling, a stream clean-up, and a Halloween event with Crew 648 in Arlington. We will end the year with our own version of Scouting for Food, which we call Venturing for Vittles.
Bike Ride to Georgetown
There is nothing like ice cream during on a warm day. Crew 128, therefore, rode to Georgetown on the C&O on a sunny Saturday afternoon and enjoyed ice cream along the Potomac River.
Splash with Trash
Service projects have always been an important part of Scouting. In October, Crew 128 traversed both sides of Dead Run in McLean Central Park to collect bags of trash. We even made the local Sun Gazette newspaper (p. 9). (Also, check out the who is pictured on page 1!)
Backpacking on the C&O
Our annual autumn backpacking tradition continued in 2020 despite the pandemic! To avoid carpools, the Venturers selected a nearby trek on the C&O canal. Even though it was not nearly the challenge of past years, they still had a lot of fun.